How To Launch Your First Cluster?

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Team DeHive
Aug 27th 2021
How To Launch Your First Cluster?
  1. Proceed to
  2. On the left side you will see the “Clusters” button while on the top right corner you will see the switch button, please choose the needed blockchain [On this V1 release you can switch between Polygon and Ethereum mainnet].

3. To be able to stake Clusters on the platform, you need to stake your DHV. In order to do so, please proceed to the “Staking” section. Press the “STAKE” button and enter the desired amount of DHV.

40000 DHV yearly are assigned for the community staking rewards for DHV solo staking on both blockchains🥳

4. As soon as you switch the blockchains, you will see the list of Clusters available for each. In order to get the Cluster, please press “JOIN CLUSTER”.

5. The app will ask you to enter the desired amount you want to put into Cluster. Write it down and then press the “Join Cluster” button again and wait for the transaction approval.

6. In order to check your Clusters, go to the “Portfolio” section which you can find on the left side (under the “Clusters” button). In the portfolio you can see your DHV token balance, your total amount of holdings and all clusters you have acquired. Here you can also stake the Clusters you already have.

7. In order to stake the cluster and start getting yield, please press the “STAKE” button. [The app will ask you to put in the supportive amount of DHV (3%). Please make sure you have DHV staked on the platform.]

8. All the staked Cluster goes to the “Staking” section on the left side under the “Portfolio” section. You can also check/claim the rewards from stake here and see the amount of locked funds.

Here we described the step-by-step instruction for the core functionality of DeHive V1. We will be in touch for more details regarding LP staking and DHV solo staking, so stay tuned.

Hope you will love the 🐝DeHive app and share your thoughts and comments with us through our media channels:

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